Key Steps to Develop a Local Housing Strategy with Dick Werner, President of Herreid Area Housing Development Inc.

Dick Werner, President, Herreid Area Housing Development

In this episode of Housing Connection, we are joined by the President of Herreid Area Housing Development Inc., Dick Werner. The conversation delves into the core of housing challenges faced by South Dakota communities and the pivotal role a well-crafted local housing strategy plays in overcoming these issues. Dick also shares their perspective on collaboration among diverse stakeholders and offers valuable advice for financial institutions looking to support affordable housing initiatives. 

Dick leads this forward-looking discussion on the future of housing development in South Dakota, underlining the indispensable role that local housing strategies will play in shaping this future landscape. Tune in for a comprehensive exploration guided by his seasoned insights, covering the past, present, and future of affordable housing in South Dakota.

Listen to the full episode at Spotify or iTunes

Episode Mentions:

About Dick Werner:

As a former legislator and county commissioner, Werner has spent many years advocating the importance of affordable housing all across South Dakota. During his tenure at Dakota Resources and as President of Herreid Area Housing Development, he has worked tirelessly to find individuals and families suitable housing. He identifies the partnerships, grants, homes, and suitable mortgages to make these deals work and keep homeowners in our smaller communities.

Werner’s knowledge and devotion to keeping small-town America going is immense and goes beyond just housing. He has located grant funds for playground and swimming pool improvements, played a part in saving the local grocery store and securing funding for energy efficiency improvements, helped develop a new single-family subdivision, and worked to promote the expansion of a local technology company. He has stepped up, worked hard, and went the extra mile for rural America.


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