The Governor's House Program's Impact 

Governor's House building in progress

The Governor's House Program was initiated with a simple yet powerful goal: to provide affordable housing options for South Dakota residents who qualify. It is a collaboration between South Dakota Housing and various partners, including local builders, to create cost-effective homes that meet the needs of the community. Since 1996, there have been more than 3,200 homes sold. That number continues to rise as the Governor’s House Program continues to leave an impact on individuals and families across South Dakota.

Behind the Governor’s House Program

  • Affordable Homeownership: One of the primary impacts of the Governor's House Program has been the promotion of homeownership among South Dakotans. The program has allowed families and individuals to achieve the dream of owning their own homes, thereby strengthening communities and providing stability to families.

  • Rural Development: South Dakota's rural areas have also benefited greatly from the Governor's House Program. It has helped combat rural depopulation by providing attractive housing options in smaller communities. This not only retains residents but also attracts newcomers to these areas, invigorating local economies.

  • Customization: The program offers flexibility in home design, allowing prospective homeowners to choose from various floor plans (garage door on the right or left), sizes (two-bedroom or three-bedroom), and styles (narrow lot or standard). This customization empowers individuals to and families to purchase homes that suit their unique needs and preferences, fostering a sense of pride and belonging within their communities.

Building Homes and Character

Beyond the walls of these houses, there's another dimension to the Governor's House Program that deserves recognition. A crucial partnership with the Governor's Inmate Training Program is creating transformative opportunities for inmates. These individuals are not just building houses; they are rebuilding their lives.

Through this program, inmates develop essential skills that prepare them for reintegration into society. They build connections, acquire fundamental construction skills, and work diligently towards a brighter future. Many former inmates who participate in this program go on to secure jobs, contribute to their communities, and remain out of the prison system. This not only reduces recidivism but also strengthens the social fabric of South Dakota.

Dad holding child in bed

A Bright Future for South Dakota

The Governor's House Program in South Dakota is more than a housing initiative; it's a testament to the state's commitment to its residents. It has proven to be a game-changer in the realm of affordable housing and community development. Not only has it provided much-needed homes for South Dakotans, but it has also boosted the state's economy, improved the quality of life for countless residents, and given hope to those seeking redemption.

As South Dakota continues to grow and evolve, programs like this will remain essential in ensuring that all residents have access to quality, affordable housing. Through collaborative efforts, South Dakota has shown that it can address housing challenges effectively, making the state an even more attractive place to live, work, and thrive.

To learn more about the Governor’s House Program and to take a look at some of the homes, head here.


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